Voir tous les livres de Robert Noland

Robert Noland - Livres et biographie

Robert Noland began his writing career as a songwriter in 1983, then spent the next 10 years as a touring musician and producer, penning lyrics for artists such as Glen Campbell, Babbie Mason, and Gabriel. He wrote his first series of Bible studies in 1988 and in 1991 wrote his first Christian devotional book for a para church ministry. Noland has since authored over 50 titles spanning across children, youth, and adult audiences. In 1996, he wrote a Christian follow-up booklet entitled LifeChange, which to date has sold over one million copies. In 2011, Noland released his first book titled The Knight's Code and in 2012 released 3SG, a Men's Small Group Manual. He blogs regularly at theknightscode.com. Since 2011, Noland has been a freelance writer and author for faith-based organizations, ministries, and Christian publishers. A book co-authored with Randy Frazee, entitled Think, Act, Believe Like Jesus, released in December 2014. Regardless of the target audience or mode of delivery via paper or digital, Robert writes what he calls, practical application of Biblical truth. He lives in Franklin, TN with his wife of 30 years and has two adult sons.

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Inhale Exhale

De MercyMe
Paru le 26 octobre 2021
13,64 €
TVA incluse
A 40-day devotional experience inspired by MercyMe’s best-selling album, inhale (exhale) follows the sixteen-track record to create a path for readers to breathe in and absorb God’s grace in their lives. Inspired by MercyMe’s album of the same name, inhale (exhale): A 40-Day Journey... Voir plus

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