Voir tous les livres de Pierre H. Vachon (PHV)

Pierre H. Vachon (PHV) - Livres et biographie

After a successful career of some 22+ years as a tenured university professor and research scientist, PHV opted to take his early retirement and plunge head-on in his (other) passion: writing. Reader of science-fiction/fantasy books, graphic novels, and comic books since his pre-teen years, he is currently enjoying his life as a retiree while focusing his creative energies into putting down in words a hero’s tale—Trajan Valence’s—that has been bouncing around in his brain for too many years.

In between, he can be spotted on Twitter (@PHV_Mentarch). For news/updates about The Psiarch Chronicles novels, or more information on the Consolidate World, visit Psiarch’s Hideout (https://realphvmentarch.blogspot.com/).

Top ventes de l'auteur

Psiarch: Rising
Somewhen else, in another somewhere... The world of the 2070s is one dominated by the five Consolidates. It is also a world in which the advent of 'aptitude-enhanced humans'—or alihumans—was predicted some three decades earlier by 'Gardiner's Genomic Extrapolations'. Trajan Valence... Voir plus

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