Voir tous les livres de Nicki Night

Nicki Night - Livres et biographie

Renee DanielFlagler is an award-winning author of several novels. She teachescreative writing as an adjunct professor as well as with the New York CityDepartment of Education. She was a Writer in Residence at the Langston HughesLibrary, received an MFA in Creative Writing from The College of New Rochelle,and was awarded the program’s Creative Writing Division Award for Excellence inWriting and Commitment to the Profession. Renee hails from the suburbs of NewYork City. Connect with her at ReneeDanielFlagler.com oron social media with Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or X.

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Le chantage d’un mari,  Jules BennettPaisley n’a pas le choix : pour retrouver son père biologique, elle doit faire appel à un détective privé. Or le meilleur de Houston n’est autre que Lucas Ford, l’homme qu’elle a dû quitter douze ans plus tôt. Le revoir lui cause un choc d’autant... Voir plus

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