Voir tous les livres de MINI LUDVIN

MINI LUDVIN - Livres et biographie

Since the biology department turned down her ambitious project to create "unicorn rats," Ludivine decided instead to study drawing and enrolled in the animation course at the E.M.C.A. Angoulême. In 2005, she joined the wonderful world of animation and honed her skills in graphic and literary creation on TV series such as "Mandarine & Cow," "Copy Cut" (a series which she co-created and developed), and "Ella, Oscar & Hoo." In 2015, armed with 10 years of animation experience, she decided to return to her first two loves: comics and illustrations for middle grade books, where she likes to bring universes full of fantasy and humor to life. She teamed up with Aurélien Ducoudray to create "Yézidie!", the story of a strong-willed girl and her family during the 2014 Yazidi genocide published by Dupuis ("Yazidi!" in English, Europe Comics, 2023).

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BD de l'avent 2024

BD de l'avent 2024

Paru le 27 septembre 2024
9,99 €
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Attendre Noël, ça peut être un peu long, voire insupportable. Alors, pour vous aider à patienter, Le Lombard vous propose 24 histoires inédites réalisées par la crème de la BD franco-belge. Tour à tour humoristiques, émouvantes ou instructives, ces nouvelles en quatre planches vous... Voir plus

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