Voir tous les livres de Michael Green

Michael Green - Livres et biographie

Michael Green has had a long and interesting life. With first-class degrees from both Oxford and Cambridge, he combines the gifts of both theologian and evangelist. He is an Anglican minister, has travelled in every continent to spread the gospel, and has been special adviser in evangelism to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York. He has taught in universities, been principal of a theological college, led a large university church, written more than 50 books and engaged fruitfully in church-planting overseas. He lives in Oxfordshire with his wife, Rosemary.

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Blade Runner 2019 T02

Paru le 10 février 2021
10,99 €
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Ash, la Blade Runner qui hait les replicants, poursuit sa plongée vertigineuse dans l'atmosphère moite du Los Angeles inspiré par le roman de Philip K. Dick. Elle doit assumer les conséquences de son enquête sur la disparition de la femme et de la fille d'un riche industriel. Mais... Voir plus

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