Voir tous les livres de Margaret Barker

Margaret Barker - Livres et biographie

Margaret Barker has always enjoyed writing but it wasn’t until she’d pursued several careers that she became a full-time writer. Since 1983 she has written over 50 Medical Romance books, some set in exotic locations reflecting her love of travel, others set in the UK, many of them in Yorkshire where she was born. When Margaret is travelling she prefers to soak up the atmosphere and let creative ideas swirl around inside her head before she returns home to write her next story.

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Un merveilleux imprévu, Sharon KendrickEnceinte ! Pour Eve, la nouvelle tombe comme un couperet. Comment annoncer à Luca Cardelli, le brillant financier avec qui elle est sortie quelque temps, que leur passion prétendument sans conséquence est sur le point de bouleverser leurs vies... Voir plus

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