Voir tous les livres de Leah Martyn

Leah Martyn - Livres et biographie

Leah Martyn comes from a long line of storytellers and finds writing comes to her as naturally as breathing. As well as her medical romances, she has written and published short stories. She insists her characters must have a sense of humour! She loves vacationing in Queensland and browsing in bookshops is high on her list of enjoyable things to do. Consequently, each year around Christmas, she breaks the budget, buying an armful of new releases to read over the holidays.

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La passion d’une sage-femme, Sarah Morgan   Le jour où elle doit épouser à Milan le Dr Luca Zattoni, dont elle est enceinte, Tia découvre qu'il a renoué avec son amour de jeunesse. Anéantie, elle regagne l'Angleterre et y reprend son poste de sage-femme. Mais, alors qu'elle n'aspire... Voir plus

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