Voir tous les livres de Elaine Barbieri

Elaine Barbieri - Livres et biographie

Elaine Barbieri has written thirty-three historical novels that have been published worldwide. She was certain young adult readers would enjoy the excitement of historical romance if given a chance, and she welcomed the opportunity to write Miranda and the Warrior for this new audience.

Elaine lives in northern New Jersey with her husband and family, and with Harrison, a demanding male who she is sure would be the ultimate hero -- if he weren't a cat.

Elaine's adult titles include Wings of a Dove; Dance of the the Flame; The Dangerous Virtues trilogy: Honesty, Purity, and Chastity, Eagle; Hawk; Night Raven; Secret Fires: The Wild One; and To Meet Again.

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De sombres secrets, Marilyn PappanoUn chalet en ruine, loin de tout… Jayne est désemparée en découvrant la maison que lui a laissée son ex-mari après leur divorce. Est-ce bien là qu’elle va vivre désormais, seule avec Lucy, sa fille de cinq ans ? Heureusement, un voisin vit à proximité.... Voir plus

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