Voir tous les livres de Dermot O’Leary

Dermot O’Leary - Livres et biographie

Dermot O'Leary is the bestselling author of the Toto the Ninja Cat series, which has sold hundreds of thousands of copies and been translated into sixteen languages.

His career in television, radio and entertainment has established him as a
household name. He's presented shows for BBC, ITV and Channel 4, and his Radio 2 show airs on Saturday mornings.

He is passionate about history but when he's not got his head in a history book, he enjoys time with his son and an afternoon at the Arsenal, or a nice wild swim.

You can find Dermot on Twitter and Instagram: @radioleary

Top ventes de l'auteur

Attention : Toto est tout sauf une chatte ordinaire. Elle est peut-être presque aveugle mais c’est une grande Ninja ! Ce soir, avec son frère Silver, froussard expert en grignotage et en gaffe, elle va devoir sauver son quartier d’une terrible menace : le cobra royal Brian s’est... Voir plus

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