Voir tous les livres de Christyne Butler

Christyne Butler - Livres et biographie

USA TODAY bestselling author Christyne Butler fell in love with romance novels while serving in the U.S. Navy. She started writing her own stories in 2002 and writes contemporary romances full of life, love and a hint of laughter. And there has to be a "happily ever after" or she’s just not satisfied. She lives in central Massachusetts with her family and loves to hear from her readers at chris@christynebutler.com.

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Le serment d'un milliardaire, Caitlin Crews« Nous allons nous marier. » Jamais Liliana n’aurait imaginé entendre ces mots franchir les lèvres d’Izar Agustin, l’homme qui, depuis dix ans, projette une ombre autoritaire sur son existence. Hélas ! cette demande en mariage, prononcée... Voir plus

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