Voir tous les livres de Ami Weaver

Ami Weaver - Livres et biographie

Two-time Golden Heart® Award finalist Ami Weaver has read reading romance since she was a teen and writing for even longer. Now she can be found drinking gallons of iced tea at her local coffee shop while doing one of her favorite things—convincing two characters they deserve their happy-ever-after. When she’s not writing, she spends at the lake, hangs out with her family and reads. Ami lives in Michigan with her four kids, three cats and very supportive husband.

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Pour le bonheur d’un petit garçon, Marion LennoxJack est prêt à tout pour redonner la joie de vivre à son neveu Harry, âgé de sept ans, muet depuis le terrible accident de voiture qui a coûté la vie à ses parents – même à partir avec lui quelques semaines à la Baie des dauphins,... Voir plus

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